
This website is under construction, below this point everithing has being created as the fruit of my imagination


Who am I and where I'm going

Not easy questions for most of the people, and I’m not excluded.
I would classify myself professionally as a chef, practicly as a traveller, passionally as a photograper.

Three adjectives that shaped my last decade and synergically work well togheter.
“Everywhere people like food, that can be framed in time by a photo”.

EFP Nice triad!

Where I’m going is not decided yet, I’ll try to stay open on every front to experience as much as possible and take life as naturally as it comes.

What is this space about

On these pages I will keep track of my projects and goals about EFP.

For me it will work as a journal, coz I’ve never been good at tracking my progres and I learned that it can be very usefull, especially if you experience memory lapses like me. Also having a portfolio and sharing my passion is something I’ve always tought about.

For you, is a chance to get inspired, cook some new recipes for every kind of patience level.
Discover stories recounted trought my eyes and if one day you want to meet one of these protagonist you might decide to stop by during one of your own travel. Or, if we are lucky to be in the same area at the same time you can even hire me as a private chef and try my kitchen live.

What else I can offer

Would you like to tell your story trought my eyes, excange opinions about your reality and expres your point of view?

Whant to eternalize your food or promote your dishes with photos trought your social channel?

Or you just whant to treath yourself and your partner with a cozy dinner prepeared by me?
